Troubleshooting Guides
Last updated
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Common Windows system adjustments to help optimize performance and resolve compatibility issues:
Disable Windows Defender: Turn off Windows antivirus protection
Install Windows Dependencies: Install required Windows system components
Disable Memory Integrity: Turn off kernel isolation memory protection
Registry Edit: Modify Windows registry settings
Disable Windows Reputation-Based Settings: Turn off Windows security ratings
Enable CPU Virtualisation: Enable CPU virtualization in BIOS/UEFI
Disable Hyper-V: Turn off Windows Hyper-V virtualization
Disable Secure Boot & Fast Boot: Turn off secure boot and fast startup
These settings can help resolve compatibility issues and improve system performance. Please note that modifying these settings may affect system security features and should be done with caution. To find out which steps are done and which need to be changed, please use our AstralSync Tool from the Discord Download Section.